During the pandemic we helped Walgreens reimagine their mobile app experience with vaccine scheduling, health and wellness motivational content, and a new to therapy experience focused on medication adherence.
Through the addition of a new card sorting experience called HealthCast, the app relayed geo-targeted information based on the user’s zip code, which included rising and falling infection rates, harmful weather conditions with tips on how to stay safe, wellness articles and free workouts coupled to a reward system.
Get Moving with Everpass
With working from home and working out from home on the rise, we created over 60+ unique pages geared towards every level of fitness, from beginner to expert. Every day a new batch of workouts was available and users could track their progress and receive rewards for completing a streak of 3 workouts or more. Through motivational copy in a light-hearted Walgreens tone, we encouraged users to keep their streaks alive.
New To Therapy Experience
Focused on medication adherence, our new to therapy experience gave first-time prescription fillers the opportunity to track their progress and gain insights into how they’re feeling. Positioned as a wellness companion throughout their journey, they could set medication reminders and would receive notifications encouraging them to journal their feelings. For every entry they’d receive a piece of content geared toward how they’re feeling—good and bad. These content pieces ranged from healthy recipes to guided mediations for relieving stress to connecting them with an online therapist or doctor via TeleHealth.